Best songs 2011 by Decireves.

8:00 AM

No son sencillos (bueno, algunos si) , son las canciones que mas me gustaron de los respectivos discos de las bandas y solistas que mas hicieron ruido en este 2011. 


01.-Agesandages-No Nostalgia
03.-Noel Gallagher-Everybody´s on the run
04.-Lykke Li-Youth know no pain
05.-Eleanor Friedberger-Scenes from Bensonhourst
06.-Feist-The bad and each other
07.-Friendly Fires-Pala
08.-PJ Harvey-Let england shake
09.-Panda Bear-Slow Motion
10.-Washed Out-Amor Fati
11.-Selah Sue-Black party love
13.-The Drums-The book of revelations
14.-Neon Indian-Arcade Blues
16.-Boy-This is the beginning
17.-Radiohead-Lotus Flower
19.-The Strokes-Machu Pichuu
20.- The Vaccines-Post break up sex
21.-Memory Tapes-Wait in the dark
22.-Bell-Magic Tape
23.-Beady Eye-Bring the light
24.- Discodeine-Invert
25.-Pien Feith-Dance on time.

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