
Midyear 2013 /// Songs

9:52 AM

150 canciones en esta mitad del 2013, no es ni la mejor ni la mas peor, son simplemente un buen ramillete de canciones "mainstream", indies, poperas, electrónicas, folkies, darketas, punketas, hipsters, hay de tocho morocho, busquen, disfruten, quédense asombrados(as) de el dechado de creativdad que hasta el momento ha sonado en esta primera mitad de el turbulento 2013.

Con agradecimientos especialísimos de Radioalterno, Club Fonograma, Just Music that like y Nrmal para poder conformar esta lista.

Rhye /// “The Fall”

La Barranca /// “El alma nunca deja de sentir”
Fear of Men /// “Mosaic”
The Knife /// “A tooth for an eye”
Washed Out /// “Don´t give up”
Coronel /// “Lo se”
Delorean /// “Apar”
Everything Everything /// “Cough Cough”
Savages /// “Husbands”
Vampire Weekend /// “Hudson”
Bleached /// “Dead in your head”
Sigur Ros /// “Ísjaki”
Haciendo el Mal /// “Extraño”
Flaming Lips /// “Be free away”
Daft Punk /// “Get Lucky”
Camera Obscura /// “Desire Lines”
Cave Ghosts /// “When you go away”
French for rabbits /// “Goat”
Jarina de Marco /// “Main Dish”
Lizzard Kisses /// “The storm”
London Grammar /// “Help me lose my mind”
Lost Ghosts /// “Tunnels”
Miniatures /// “Midwinter (air)”
Rayys /// “Im coming home”
Los Blenders /// “Meta y dinero”
UN BLONDE /// “For you to drink”
Celesta en la cesta /// “La verdad”
Chlöe Howl /// “Rumour”
Dënver /// “Revista de Gimnasia”
O Tortuga /// “Palma Linda”
Empress Of /// “Tristeza”
Torres /// "Mother earth, father god"
David Bowie /// "The stars (are out tonight)
Lady Lazarus///"Lapsarian"
The Shilohs///"The place where"
Digits///"Love is only affection"
Blackfeet braves///"Vicious Cycle"
Wooden Wand///"Southern colorado song"
Aly Tadros///"Sweet on me"
Carroll///"Lead Balloon"
Pony Time///"What if you cuaght me"
Renny Wilson///"Nobody"
Horsehands///"Tin horn"
Pick a piper///"All her colours"
Young boys///"Love hits"
Nouvelle Cuisine///"Roulotte"
Dada Trash Collage///"Up and down"
Dark Colour///"Burn it down"
Heavy Hawaii///"Airborne Kawasaki"
Narwhal///"Supersonic girl"
Zen Mystery Fogg/// "Raccoon"
Beat Radio///"Hurricanes XO"
Destroy this places///"Graves"
Field Mouse///"Tomorrow is yesterday"
Lauren Mann and the fairly odd folk///"I lost myself"
LVL UP///"Graveyard"
1939 Ensemble///"Sabotage"
Brass Bed///"I´ll be there with bells on"
Inspired and the sleep///"Sink"
The blank tapes///"Coast to coast"
Deaf Club///"Break it slow"
Permanent Makeup///"Not a riot"
Deb Oh % the Cavaliers///"Primacy"
Bestial Mouths///"Hollowed"
Local Channel///"Arctic"
Gypsy and the cat///"Sorry"
Bennio Qwerty///"Crutch"
High Horse///"Stab on"
Bill Baird///"Spring break of the soul"
Port Isla///"Adventurers"
Decades///"Tonight Again"
Belle Mare///"The boat of the fragile mind"
Soda Fabric///"Swim"
The tablets///"Tablets"
Bernard et Bianca///"White mountain lies"
Conner Youngblood///"Vegas"
The Rebel Light///"Goodbye Serenade"
La Señora///"Faster"
Will Courtney///"There´s no answer"
Solvents///"Careless step"
Poldoore///"Nothing left to say"
Deltafoxx///"Breakin'it up, allright"
Snappled Ankles///"True Ecology"
Ferns/// “And it looked like this
Schonwald/// “Gemini”
The Dead Heads/// “When i´m dead”
The Gorgeus Hands/// “Desperate Mainstream”
Uvilov/// “Círculos Concéntricos”
Baobab/// “Magdalene Street”
Grant Olney/// “Not from body”
The Money Go Round///“Endless sun”
Post Nobles /// "Summer Toons"
Vial of Sound /// "Ghost Ditch"
Bad Cop /// "Light On"
Last Good Tooth /// "What´s what i do"
Big Eyes /// "Nothing you could say"
You me and us /// "Swim or swink"
JC Brooks and the Uptown Sound  /// "Rouse Yourself"
The Baptist Generals /// "Dog that bit you"
City Society///“Riot Bloom”
Cool Ghouls/// “Grace
Brøthers///“Is This The End”
Beardo///“Nothing but my mind to lose”
Jay Arner/// “Don´t remind me”
Sun Rai///“San Francisco Street
Stuart Warwick/// “The nail that sticks out gets pounded”
Way Yes/// “Get Healed”
After Party/// “Lonely Reggae”
Yolke/// “Tough Times”
The Mast/// “UpUpUp”
Chastity Belt/// “Seattle Party”
Making Movies /// "Cuna de vida"
Vision Fortune /// "XIV"
Pinegrove /// "V"
Royal Forest /// "Everyone who knows you"
Lake Isle /// "Steel Rails"
Lou Doillon /// "I.C.U."
Cam Allen /// "Tangerine"
German Error Message /// "There´s a place"
Criminal Hygiene /// "Rearrange me"
Summer Cannibals///"Wear me out"
Speedy Ortiz///"No Below"
Future Loves Past///"Grow up tall"
Can´t dance///"Trust issues"
Dinosaur Bones///"Spins in circles"
Bestial Mouths///"Reunion"
Pressed And///"Creed Unlove"
Sixfingerz///"Rhode Island"
Motorama///"To the south"
Psychic Twin///"Unlock Yr heart"
Champions League///"Paris is our playground"
Indian Islands///"Doormat"
Brave young lion///"Ebbs and flows"
Visuals///"Good bye"
Wilds Mocassins /// "Gag reflections"
Humfree Bug Art /// "Back at the start"
Holden "No puedo resignarme"
Kobadelta "When it rains it pours"
Tisch///"The Chase"
Bells Atlas///"Incessant Noise"

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